Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Where are my fishing weighters?

So today was a rainy day in the T-O-L. And my basement is prone to some moisture. I really had only paid attention to the two back corners, because that's where I had seen puddles before. But, then, I glanced over towards my washer/dryer and thought I saw a rogue wave. NOBODY TOLD ME WATER COME UPWARDS FROM THE GROUND. Perhaps I was naive, I always thought the sub-pump would activiate itself in times of need. However, the pump is old, and hasn't been used much, so it didn't kick on, leaving a good 4 inches of water in about a quarter of the basement. I roll up my pant legs, throw on the New Balances(ruin my slippers-yeah right!) and grab the cell phones. In previous times of disaster at my residences, I would call the landlord and have them send over the appropriate handyman for the job. This time, I needed to do this myself. Or at least by myself with Patrick talking to me in one ear. Hey, I didn't alert Frankie, so I was kind have some independence with this! So I wiggle the rod thingy with the floaty balloon that you find in the tank of your toilets and VOILA! Water is leaving my basement, at a fairly rapid rate. Phew! But the pump also won't turn off by itself and since it's going to be a rainy night as well.. i'm probably going to leave it on. I don't need the Lake of Evil to sprout it's ugly face again. You may have won this time water, but i'm gonna fix that basement up and be free of you FOREVER!

Water= 1
Emily = 0 (but an "A" for effort)


  1. You crack me up! weighters (waders), sub-pump (sump pump) Household adventures NEVER end. LOL

  2. you're gonna start being one of those handy moms who claw the drain when it's plugged up with hair............kelllllleyyyy

  3. well, you've tackled an adventure that I've never done! Congrats

  4. I think the funniest thing about all this is your 2 misspelled words. You are one of the smartest people I know but apparently those homophones get you too (to, two). I wish we had a basement for storage purposes but I'm glad we don't have to pull a Noah and build an ark to get around a basement.

  5. what can i say? i hate fish, they gross me out, so i have no idea how to spell their outfittings! haha and no ways would I do that Ker-- drains with hair are the grossest--and ours is getting nasty.. i'm considering shaving my head.

  6. we should both shave our heads and braid the hair into a belt for you, phlegmy.
