Monday, January 19, 2009

In the beginning...

So I've decided to start to start writing a blog as a therapeutic exercise, as recommended by Frankie. I know I have lots of good things to say, but conveying thought through speech has always been much more difficult for me than just simply writing it down. I tend to think alot more when I speak, and then you throw in my dyslexia of the mouth, and I can become very confusing.

So, what's new you ask? Well, Olive is about to be four weeks old. I can't believe how fast it's going already. Just a month ago, I was barely able to breathe thanks to the added pressure on my diaphragm. Now, I've felt completely healed from childbirth for nearly 3 weeks. I have to say, hers was a wonderful labor, if you can even call labor such a thing as 'wonderful.' It's wonderful compared to Omri's, that is. With Omri I felt I lost so much control and was completely out of my element, probably even my mind at points. She ended up being vacuumed out because I wasn't pushing efficiently enough and she was in distress. With Olive, I experienced about an hour and a half of what I see as 'true' labor, and then a handful of pushes, and gush- there she was. Frankie was able to cut the umbilical cord and then I was able to hold her immediately following the birth, rather than being whisked away to be evaluated. Even though she showed up a bit on the teeny side, she was/is strong. The kid eats like a champ and keeps it down too! Then.... the farts began....

I have never seen so much gas come out of a human being, and have such a potent stench at each and every occurence. It quickly became evident that this flatulence was quite uncomfortable for little Ollie, so I decided to try Simethicone. Seemed to work, for a few hours.. needless to say, we switched her to sensitive formula for a bit. Anything to keep her happy, because when she's content, she only gets up once in the middle of the night. I don't know what we did to deserve that, but I hope it continues!

As for Omri, she seems to be doing overall.. pretty good with the transition to a 2 child family. I notice more outbursts lately, but then again, shes two! Her personality is forming more and more by the day, she's so funny--and she knows it! I like the fact that she has an opinion-- even if it makes things more difficult sometimes! She is so bright and loving, and is becoming a great big sister.

So anyways, all is well on the kid front. I'm going to think about catching some shut eye while they'll let me.