Wednesday, February 18, 2009

February is already over half over...

... and I don't know where that time went. I seriously feel as if the days are flying by at warp speed. Olive is nearly 2 months old.. Omri a true 2 and a half. I go back to work in 4 days, and I'm not sure how much I'm looking forward to it. It's been a good 10 weeks, and most of me feels ready to get out into a new environment. I am going to miss having tons of free time, even though it never really felt 'free', I always was doing something. Having two children has gotten the best of my energy and focus. In that respect, I am very glad to go back to work, and glad that they will be with Frankie every night, he's much more suited to be a stay-at-home parent.

It's funny because Frankie just walked into the room and I lost my train of thought. I don't like to be watched when I am writing blogs. I know that he will just read it in a little bit, but right now I guess my thoughts and feelings are uber-vulnerable.

Anyways, me and Omri did a little shopping run today. Old Navy, Kohl's, and Babies "R" Us. I always like taking Omri with me on these errands, even though she's starting to act out a little bit when she can't get something she wants. Highlights that I got: Cute black flats from O.N. for under 10 bucks, and an awesome Melissa and Doug block-style puzzle, which can produce 6 different puzzle pictures. I managed to sneak that in the cart when Omri wasn't looking, something I am getting pretty good at. Otherwise, she will try to open it or drop it, which isn't great when it's a pack of cinnamon rolls and the cardboard splits open. You should see her at Kroger. God forbid if I walk by the sushi counter and she doesn't get a pack for herself.

So my countdown on my status for professional school is less than one week now. Super.Nervous. Not going to dwell on it, I've done pretty well thus far.

Now Frankies turned on American Idol and I just can't focus on anything, perhaps I shall resume this later.


  1. Haha sounds like you were a little ADD while writing this. Oh the dread of going back to work at least it should be a little easier since Frankie gets to stay with them and you don't have to drop off or pick up. Keep me posted on the pharm school stuff. Love you!

  2. Omri likes sushi?! That is hilarious!

  3. We're pulling for your Pharm school statuts!

  4. indeed, if you even mention the 's' word, I pretty much have no choice but to go get her some, because it's the only thing she'll want to eat all day.

  5. It's so adorable that Omri loves sushi! Sam and Omri have the coolest taste in food!
